1. Greetings & What’s your name?

Beginners: Level of difficulty 2/10: Meeting and greeting people - Good day. What’s your name? How are you? You learn some basic greetings and how to use the two forms of "you", in Italian, for "What’s your name?" and "How are you?".

Title: Good day. What’s your name? How are you? | Buongiorno. Come si chiama? Come sta? / Come ti chiami? Come stai? You use the formal/polite "Lei" form of "you" to an adult you meet on the street, in a shop or restaurant: "Come si chiama?"; "Come sta?". You use the informal "tu" form of "you" to a young person. When you are not asking "What’s your name?", you also use the "tu" form of "you" to a family member or friend: "Come ti chiami?"; "Come stai?".